What's Your New Year's Resolution
Presenter: Drs. Rice, Klim, Maragliano-Muniz & Austin
Release Date: 12/14/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 12/14/28
AGD Subject Code: 550
Reviewed: 2025
As we reflect back on 2022 and the many opportunities and challenges facing the dental industry, now's the time to start planning for next year. So, what's your new year's resolution? In this CE webinar, please join our esteemed panel of experts as they focus on three pillars for success – business opportunities, leadership skills, and new products and technology. Dr. David Rice will serve as the moderator and will be joined by Dr. James Klim, Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz and Dr. Josh Austin. During the one hour program they will share their opinions and strategies for success. Along the way, they will discuss best practices and thought-provoking ideas to help you plan for 2023.
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