Direct Restorative: Prep, Place, Profit
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Release Date: 1/7/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/7/28
AGD Subject Code: 780
Reviewed: 2025
What's the most frequent restoration you place in your practice? What would it be like for you to place those restorations more efficiently and more esthetically? From simple to complex...from class II to class IV to diastema closures, this CE webinar will arm you with sound material science, predictable techniques, and mastery level systems for your success.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will be able to: • understand and identify the ideal adhesive path for all direct restorations • become more familiar with anterior class IV and diastema closing techniques • implement both posterior and anterior composite techniques for efficient esthetics
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